ABBYY Lingvo Live
July 2015 – September 2015
(2.5 months)

Freelance UX Designer
ABBYY is a global leader in the development of document recognition,
content capture and language-based technologies and solutions
that integrate across the entire information lifecycle.
ABBYY had recently launched a brand new service, Lingvo Live. It extends standard Lingvo Translator with a community of professionals and people who study languages. Lingvo Live is a place where people can discuss and help each other find correct translations of phrases that cannot be found in Lingvo Dictionaries.

At this project I worked together with my partner and friend Nadia Frolova, visual designer. Our goal was to create the version 2.0 of the website, make it better.

We tried to emphasise the 'Ask Question' functionality, make it clear. But on the other hand we had to keep a sense of the dictionary.
So we decided to bring the most interesting entries, quotes
and translations to the main page and the search results page we created as a paper article with white background and good typography.
Translate a phrase is a core function on the website. That's why we have placed the search input on the most visible place.
The main content on the page is daily updated featured articles, such as 'Word of the day', 'Story of the day', 'Picture of the day', 'Quote of the day', etc. All these sections are linked to dictionary's articles.

Sidebar contains recent questions from Community without answers. You can go to Community to answer the question or ask translation.
Search Results
Search results is a dictionary article. In fact it is an aggregation from the various dictionaries, including translations of users from Community.
We wanted the user to have a feeling of a paper dictionary when he reads this page.
In this futuristic interior calibrated every last bend , all planes are functional and designed.
The main bathroom is made of natural stone and agglomerate , and here came the geometry of the total area , and the mirrors mounted on the perpendicular wall, architectural break volume and propose a visual puzzle.